Summer is over and it’s time for deer season once again. We have done very little to get ready because we have still been having fun catching bass.Fishing has been good to us this year.We have been out on the lakes and ponds a whole lot and have been saltwater fishing a couple times.
Mason has done a lot of shooting but I have done very little but we have had corn for a few weeks.
We are still working on ducks and turkeys from last season. I had a couple reptiles I wanted to get ready for the next competition in January so I have already started on them.Skin mount reptiles take longer than anything else to dry out.I have a Iguana and Snapping Turtle. Both kids are still kind of undecided as to what they want to do.
Everything is going pretty good at the Fire Dept. This semester I’m back working on my degree in Fire Protection.I’m taking Fire Investigator and a Fire Prevention class.
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