Summer fishing was decent for us but we didn’t catch many large fish.Fall fishing started out the same way. Lots of fish but not many big ones. We made another trip to the Outer Banks in early October and we were able to catch a few small drum. We were looking forward to hunting again. We have made a slow start to hunting season with the bad weather but it will soon get better.
I do pretty much any kind of mount so if there is something you are wanting to do,call me. I do lots of lifesize mounts, shoulder mounts, pedestal mounts, skulls, tanning, etc…..
We are starting to work on competition mounts again and hopefully I can get Mason and Chandler to start on a few because they haven’t taken much to the last couple of shows. I got Best of Category at the last NC show in Original Art.I looked for a picture and can’t seem to find it.
On the Fire side of things, I’m still employed with the Fire Dept and I’m still a Lieutenant.I haven’t taken any College classes the last couple of semesters since I’m almost finished and they haven’t offered what I needed.
I’m still posting videos on YouTube so check them out sometime.I’m also going to attach pics of the Zombie deer I finished recently.It got a lot of views on different sites so you might have already saw it.I’m a fan of The Walking Dead
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